Thursday, July 10, 2008


Mama, been a while since I cried
I have been busy learning to fight
This weary road and my bruised feet
I will come home to your love, my need.

To your love I will reply
Keeping silent, no tears to cry
So long since I slept in your arms
Your promise to save me from harm.

Mama, let this son shine bright
To cry for me, that is your right
Mama but I won’t let you cry
Cross my heart and hope to die.

Mama, see me through the night
And lead me to the breaking daylight
Its okay, it’s okay to cry.

A new city, a new life
A new road, a new fight
Keep me in your heart, don’t let me die
And Mama, please, please don’t cry.

Pray for me, give me redemption
I might have lost faith but I am your son
Your tears cleanse me, they purify
But Mama, I won’t make you cry.

Its okay, it’s okay to cry.


Khushi said...

oh my god....


very touching and heart rendering.